Russia says complicated issues still unsolved in nuclear talks, blames US

Russian top negotiator at the Vienna talks Mikhail Ulyanov has said some complicated issues remain to be resolved for Iran and the other parties to the negotiations to reach a nuclear deal.

Ulyanov however noted that many other differences have already been solved to this end.

The Russian diplomat blamed the delay in reaching a deal on the US.

Ulyanov said it seems as though the US was living on a different planet.

He said Washington wants some issues to be resolved that are unrelated to the 2015 nuclear deal.

Ulyanov further rejected the US and Israeli claims about Iran’s atomic and missile programs.

He said no one has yet been able to prove that Iran is after making missiles capable of carrying nuclear arms.

He added that the UN atomic agency’s demands about Iran’s nuclear program are not urgent.

Ulyanov expressed hope that a deal will be reached by Iran and the other sides by the first of September.

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