Rouhani Urges ‘Golden Mean’ between Strict, Lax COVID-19 Restrictions

The Iranian president has urged moderation when it comes to enforcing restrictions due to the coronavirus outbreak.

President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday that strict restrictions will make people depressed, though restrictions should remain in place to help contain the coronavirus pandemic.

“We should follow the golden mean as it is impossible to keep stringent restrictions in place and we cannot completely shut down economic, educational and cultural activities. But at the same time they cannot remain fully open as they were before the coronavirus outbreak,” he noted at a meeting of the National Coronavirus Headquarters.

The president further urged people to keep observing health protocols, namely respect social distancing rules, wear masks and avoid mass gatherings.

He underlined the need to deal with those who do not observe health protocols and commit offences.
He also called on people to avoid nonessential travel to help stem the spread of the virus.

The president underlined that coronavirus is here to stay for at least six months or one year, adding health protocols must be observed in order to tackle the disease until a vaccine is developed for the virus.

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