Report: Infighting at MKO camp in Albania as some members get help to flee to West

A report from Albania says some members of the anti-Iran MKO terrorist group are fleeing the organization’s camp in the European country to other countries including the US, Canada and Germany.

According to the Tehran-based Tasnim News Agency, the MKO is helping these members who hold higher posts escape the camp on which the Albanian officials are keeping close tabs for fear of terror acts by the MKO members holed up there.

The MKO’s effort to help these members flee to Western developed countries has angered rank and file members of the group who think they have been abandoned in Albania.

The report says the reason why those members of the MKO are escaping Albania is for fear of getting arrested by Albanian officials.

These members in the country stand accused of involvement in terrorist acts.

The MKO is responsible for the deaths or more than 17,000 Iranian officials and ordinary people since the 1980s.

During the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980-88
the terror group sided with the regime of Saddam Hussein, the former Iraqi dictator against Iran.

The MKO terrorists are based in Ashraf-3 camp near Manze, a small hill town 30 kilometers west of Albania’s capital Tirana.

The Albanian government has recently tightened the noose around the group to block any anti-Iran move by the terrorists.

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