Iranian nuclear chief: Iran’s enrichment capacity has reached more than twice its history

The director of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, AEOI, says the capacity of the country’s uranium enrichment has reached twice the amount in its history.

Mohammad Eslami made the comment in a meeting with Iranian lawmakers including members of the strategic faction of Iran’s parliament on Saturday.

Eslami briefed the MPs on the latest progress in the nuclear industry and also the latest political and technical developments in talks with foreign parties as well as the impact of parliament’s Strategic Action Law in this regard.

He described the law as positive for the development of Iran’s nuclear industry.

Eslami added that Iran owes the doubling of its nuclear enrichment’s level to the Strategic Action Law.

The director of the AEOI also noted that nuclear energy has had great economic savings for Iran and is an effective factor in reducing the consumption of fossil and non-renewable fuels.

Eslami further said nuclear energy can help develop Iran’s medical and agricultural sectors too.

Under Iran’s Strategic Action Law, the AEOI is obliged to enrich uranium to a 20% grade for peaceful purposes in line with the directives of Iran’s leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei immediately after the approval of this law.

It is also obliged to stockpile at least one hundred and twenty kilograms of the uranium inside Iran every year. Also, the AEOI is required to enrich uranium beyond the 20% grade if need be without any delay.

Iran has recently notified the International Atomic Energy Agency of its actions to increase the uranium enrichment grade to 60 percent.

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