Iran Leader warns enemies using economic woes to sow despair among Iranians

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says enemies are exploiting the country’s solvable economic woes to sow despair among the Iranian youths, cautioning the nation against the enemies’ deception.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the comments at a large mourning procession on Sunday morning at the Mausoleum of Imam Khomeini on the 34th anniversary of the late Imam.
“Today, the enemy is making attempts to frustrate the Iranian youths,” said the Leader.

“Problems should not undermine hope. If we witness problems, we need to develop even a stronger motivation to find ways out of them and offer a helping hand to those who are trying to resolve them.”

The Leader said a source of hope for the country is the fact that the Iranian youths are standing strong against the enemy’s propaganda machine and working to overcome the challenges facing the country through hard work in various fields such as technology, science, agriculture, development of infrastructure, international relations and military power, among others.

“These facts generate hope. The enemy wants to make us and our youths forget them. These facts herald a bright future,” he said.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to a wave of riots and protests in the country last year, saying the unrest was the outcome of a comprehensive conspiracy hatched in the Western think tanks and advanced by a series of “treacherous elements” who left their homeland and sided with the enemies.

On the scene of the riots on the streets, the enemies used a group of “ignorant” people and armed hooligans to fuel violence and murder security forces, the Leader said.

The enemies, who sponsored the unrest, “thought it (the Islamic establishment) was over…they thought they could make the Iranian nation serve them. The fools made a mistake again! Once again, they failed to get to know the nation,” the Leader added.

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