Kiling Gen. Soleimani Clear Example of US State Terrorism: Iran

Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations has dismissed the US assassination of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in Iraq as a flagrant example of the United States’ state terrorism.

Majid Takht Ravanchi said the crime makes the US government internationally responsible for it.

“The United States’ killing of General Soleimani and his companions is seen as a criminal terrorist act by any standard,” said the Iranian envoy in a letter to UN Secretary General António Guterres and the chairperson of the UN Security Council.

“In recent years and in line with the commitments of the Islamic Republic of Iran and UN Security Council resolutions on fighting terrorism, martyr Soleimani had a key role in helping the people and governments of some regional countries, at their own request, in defeating the most dangerous terror groups such as ISIS and other groups designated as terror groups by they UN Security Council,” he said.

“The officials of the said countries had also overwhelmingly and repeatedly admitted that martyr Soleimani had taken action [in fighting terrorists],” said Iran’s ambassador to the UN.
He said the terrorist act of assassinating general Soleimani was committed upon direct orders by US President Donald Trump, saying the move was a blatant violation of the principles of international laws, especially the principles stipulated in the UN Charter.

“This illegal and, at the same time, adventurous move by the US reveals that Washington’s claim of fighting terrorists is a hollow one. In fact, the United States is fighting those who are combating terrorists,” he noted.

“This hypocritical policy which runs counter to the United States’ international commitments in fighting terrorism, including those under UN Security Council resolutions, seriously undermines regional and international efforts in the war on international terrorism,” he said.

Takht Ravanchi said the designation part of a government’s military as a “Foreign Terrorist Organization” is in breach of the principles of international law and the UN Charter, including the principle of equality of sovereignty of governments, and can, by no means, be regarded as a pretext to use threat or force against them, including in other countries’ territories.

He roundly rejected all unfounded arguments by US officials to justify the criminal assassination of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani and categorically condemned that “heinous crime.’

“The Islamic Republic of Iran reserves every right under international law to adopt the necessary measures to safeguard its innate right to legitimate defence,” he said.

“This very provocative move by the United States was made to increase tension in the region up to point where it would get out of control, and obviously this country should accept full responsibility for all its consequences,” said the ambassador.

“In the meantime, the UN Security Council should discharge its responsibility and condemn this illegal criminal act given the grave repercussions of this dangerous military adventurism of the US for international peace and security,” he noted.

“I should emphasize that the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially the Qods Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), which have always been at the forefront of the campaign against terrorism and extremism in the region, are, in line with the international obligations and rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran, set to decisively follow in the footsteps of martyr Lieutenant General Qassem Soliemain in fighting terrorist groups in the region until they are fully eradicated,” he noted.

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