Khatibzadeh: US, E3 and Arab statement on Iran not worth response

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman says the statement of the self-proclaimed working group of the United States, the European Troika and the countries of the Cooperation Council on Iran is not worth a response.

Saeed Khatibzadeh, in response to reporters’ questions about the statement added this meeting and its statement are fabricated, pretentious and illegitimate that they are not worth a response.

Khatibzadeh stated that the U.S. government as the violator of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231, on the Iran nuclear deal, and the party that withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is responsible for the current situation regarding the deal.

He added the US as the only country with a history of using nuclear weapons, with a black record of numerous interventions in the domestic affairs of different countries, and the main seller of weapons and ammunition to different countries of the world, is once again trying to create a crisis and campaign against Iran.

At the end of a meeting in the Saudi capital Riyadh, the US point man on Iran Robert Malley, European envoys, and officials from the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council issued a statement voicing concern about Iran’s nuclear program, its regional influence and also Tehran’s missiles.

The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman also said countries that must be held accountable for their adventures and aggressions in the region, including the seven-year aggression again Yemen, cannot make baseless accusations against others and absolve themselves of responsibility for these crimes and divert public opinion.

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