“Jordan Trying to Assume Stronger Regional Role via Russia”

A senior political analyst and former diplomat says Jordan is seeking to take on a stronger role in the region through Russia, and the strategy has two key components: the Jerusalem al-Quds case and Syria.

“Jordan Trying to Assume Stronger Regional Role via Russia”Iran’s former ambassador to Jordan Ahmad Dastmalchian has, in a memo published by the Iranian Labour News Agency (ILNA), described a meeting between Jordanian King Abdullah II and Russian President Vladimir Putin as one of the key political developments in the region. He has expounded on the common ground between the two countries when it comes to Syria and holy Quds. The full text of the analytical piece follows.

According to Jordanian and Russian media, the talks between King Abdullah II and Vladimir Putin revolve around two key topics; the first one will be Syria and the current situation in the country, and the second one will be the issue of Palestine and Jerusalem al-Quds. Jordan is worried about its economic and security situation because it is a neighbor of Syria. On the economic front, the presence of Syrian refugees as well as its ensuing costs is among the issues in question. On the other hand, Jordan seeks to play a more pivotal role in Syria political talks, especially the ones held in Sochi. Russia, for its part, acts in line with its strategy of attracting as many Persian Gulf littoral states as it can; so, it seeks to take advantage of all regional governments, including Jordan.

As for the role and significance of Jordan in the issue of Palestine, one should bear in mind that the custodianship of the al-Aqsa mosque has been in Amman’s hands, and Jordan seeks to revive that status again. Jordan also indicated that the Trump administration’s recognition of Quds as Israel’s capital was against Amman’s interests, and hence, took on a more prominent role in the Palestine issue. Furthermore, differences between Jordan and Saudi Arabia have caused Jordan to lean toward Russia.

Jordan and its king are still trying to regulate their political maneuvering based on the current situation of the region, so that the country will be able to present a new image in the Quds and Palestine case.

Some people believe that because of the bonds between Jordan and Britain, and consequently the US and Israel, the Palestine and Quds case will remain on the shelf and undergo no changes, which I believe is somehow a wrong analysis. The reason is that Jordan, due to being adjacent to Syria and because of its influence in the Palestine case, is one of the options that Russia believes can realize Moscow’s interests and stances to a great extent. Therefore, a new relationship between Jordan and a country such as Russia on a regional scale will be very important and effective.

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