IRGC launches new missile, drone raids on terror bases in Iraqi Kurdistan

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has launched a new barrage of missiles and drones against hideouts of separatist terrorists in Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region.

Tasnim News Agency said Tuesday that the IRGC Ground Force used missile and kamikaze drone in the raids that razed bases of a separatist group calling itself the Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK) near the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk.

Commenting on the raids, Commander of the IRGC Ground Force Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour said “lethal blows” were dealt to separatist terrorists in the region of Pardi deep inside Iraqi Kurdistan.

“Today, bases and places belonging to the separatist PAK grouplet, which has played a role in support of the recent riots and unrest in the country’s northwest, were destroyed with accurate, precision-guided missiles,” he said.

The senior commander also renewed a warning for the people residing in the vicinity of terrorist bases to evacuate the area, suggesting that the raids may continue.

Since late September, the IRGC has been attacking positions of separatists terrorists holed up in Iraqi Kurdistan, who are found to have conducted a string of terror activities in Iranian border provinces.

Those stepped-up terror activities came amid a series of deadly riots in several Iranian cities. The Iraq-based terrorists have also played a role in fueling the violence in Iraq by smuggling arms to thugs involved in acts of vandalism and bloodshed.

Iran says it repeatedly warned officials of Iraqi Kurdistan to stop terror activities at the Iranian doorstep before starting the raids, but the warnings went unnoticed.

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