IRGC: New wave of ‘Daesh-style’ violence organized by Iran enemies doomed to failure

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) expresses gratitude for the Iranian nation’s vigilance in the face of yet another “organized conspiracy” that the enemies and their domestic elements are pursing against the country in the aftermath of the death of a young woman in custody, stressing that the plot is doomed to failure.

“The history of the Islamic Revolution is full of malice by sworn foreign enemies and the deceived inside the country, who have used every opportunity and excuse to attack the Islamic system and the homeland to achieve their evil and sinister goals,” the statement said.

A wave of street protests have hit several Iranian cities over the past days over the death of Mahsa Amini, 22, following her arrest by officers enforcing Hijab rules for failing to properly observe the mandatory Islamic dress code.

She died in hospital on Friday. Police say she suffered a heart attack, but the claim is disputed by her family and many in the public.

Official investigations are underway to determine the cause of the incident.

The protests have, however, turned ugly and deadly after being infiltrated by rioters, who have been committing acts of vandalism and inflicting damage on state and private property.

The anti-regime “oppositionists and the current of hypocrisy,” who claim to be grieving for the Iranian nation, are in fact the same parties that encourage the enemies to tighten the sanctions and even wage a military attack on the country, says the statement.

It also pointed to the “fake and biased” accounts of the death of the woman, which are being fed to the Iranian public as part of a “psychological operation” and “full-blown propaganda campaign” against the Islamic Republic.

The campaign is yet another item on the long list of measures taken by the hegemonic system, Zionism and their domestic pawns against the Islamic Republic and its great nation, it added.

The latest plot of the enemies, which is being pursued through gathering, organizing and training all their defeated and scattered capacities and arming them with the weapons of violence and Daesh-style behavior, is “a futile attempt doomed to failure,” it added.

The IRGC thanked the Iranian nation for staying vigilant and refraining from accompanying the enemies in the “organized conspiracy.”

The elite military force also expressed solidarity with the family and relatives of Mahsa Amini.

It called on the Judiciary to identify those who spread lies and rumors about her death on social media and in the society to hurt the feelings of the public and bring them to justice.

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