Iran’s IRGC targets, destroys terrorist bases in Iraqi Kurdistan

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has targeted and successfully destroyed bases of terrorist groups active near the country’s western border in Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, the IRGC said that its Ground Force launched the attacks on terror bastions in Erbil, following confessions of members of a recently-dismantled terrorist group on the Iranian side of the border, who disclosed their evil intentions for conducting acts of sabotage in the country.

The terror group, it said, had been busted in Baneh County of Iran’s western Kordestan Province on the back of “meticulous operational and intelligence measures,” with all of its five members taken into custody.

The arrests were made “in the wake of the acts of mischief by terrorist groups affiliated with the global hegemony, which saw the dispatch of terrorist teams for infiltration as well as counter-security and sabotage operations on our country’s soil,” the statement said.

The statement did not provide details about the attack, but the Tasnim News Agency reported earlier that the terrorist bases had been targeted by artillery fire.

Iran’s Armed Forces have repeatedly warned that they will never tolerate the presence and activities of terror groups near its western borders, and that they will respond decisively to any national security threat.

In March, the IRGC fired a dozen ballistic missiles against secret Mossad bases in Erbil, reportedly leaving several Israeli operatives dead.

The raid came in response to an earlier Israeli airstrike in Syria, which killed two members of the elite military force.

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