Iranian, Turkish Presidents Explore Grounds for Closer Trade Ties

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan have explored avenues for expanding business cooperation in a meeting in Ankara on Thursday.

“No person, power or country is capable of creating obstacles to brotherly relations between Tehran and Ankara,” Rouhani said, following a meeting of the fifth meeting of the high council of Iran-Turkey strategic relations.

Rouhani said the two presidents discussed grounds for stronger economic collaboration between Iran and Turkey, notably banking, industrial, customs, transport, tourism and cultural cooperation.

The Iranian president said the two sides also discussed the Syrian conflict, and reached agreement to strengthen cooperation to bring an end to the seven-year conflict.

“We believe the destiny of Syria should be decided by the Syrian people and the territorial integrity of Syria must be respected. We are on the same page on these things and are determined to boost cooperation in this field,” he said.

Rouhani thanked Turkey for its positions against the unilateral anti-Iran sanctions imposed by the US, saying it shows Turkey is committed to law, shared interests and morality.

Erdogan, in turn, said his government is bent on broadening ties with Iran and will take measures to boost bilateral collaboration.

The Turkish president censured the withdrawal of the US from the 2015 nuclear deal, saying the pact benefits global peace and security and all the parties should keep up fulfilling their commitments.

Erdogan said Turkey will stand by its neighbour in hard times, working with the Iranian government to lessen the impact of the unfair US sanctions.

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