Iranian nuclear chief: US admits Iran not seeking nukes

The director of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran has said the US’s latest national security strategy document that was published in November explicitly says Washington is confident that Tehran is not after nukes.

Mohammad Eslami added that the document however insists that Iran must not have a nuclear program.

Eslami added that the talks aimed at paving the way for the US to return to the Iran nuclear deal, JCPOA, ended five months ago and the text of an agreement was drawn up but it was Washington that went back on its word.

He also said the US claims that Iran made a new statement at the negotiating table but it was the US that made a new statement.

The Iranian nuclear chief also spoke about Iran’s nuclear achievements that are conducive to other fields like medicine.

He said currently, 206 medical centers in Iran receive radiopharmaceuticals from the AEOI and 200 industries use nuclear precision tools.

He added that $1.7bn was allocated to the Bushehr nuclear power plant that replaced $7bn worth of fossil fuels.

Eslami’s comments come at a time when the JCPOA revival talks are at an impasse due to differences between Iran and the US.

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