Iranian nuclear chief: Tehran producing 62% nuclear fuel

The director of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran has said Iranian scientists took action when the country needed 20% nuclear fuel and produced it and today Iran is capable of producing 60% fuel.

Mohammad Eslami said Iran took the stride in its nuclear energy program after attempts by the enemies including acts of terrorism and sabotage turned the nuclear field into a frontline.

Eslami added that following the moves by the adversaries of Iran, Iranian scientists pressed ahead with their efforts.

He added that Iran is today self-sufficient and this happened after former US president Donald Trump left the Iran nuclear deal in 2018, which prompted the Islamic Republic to do in 10 months what would have normally taken 10 years to complete.

Eslami then pointed to the products of the health sector and radiopharmaceuticals and said Iran is moving toward plasma therapy now thanks to its progress in the field.

The director of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran underlined the important role of heavy water, which he said the enemies ban Iran from producing and claim it could use it for making nukes.

Eslami said had it not been for the resistance of the leader, Iran would be far behind now.

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