Iran Summons German, French Envoys over ‘Interventionist’ Statements

Iran has summoned the German and French ambassadors to Tehran over the statements released by the European Union, Berlin and Paris regarding the execution of Rouhollah Zam, the administrator of the anti-Iran Telegram channel Amad News.

Germany’s Hans-Udo Muzel, whose country holds the EU’s rotating presidency, was summoned after the European Union and the German Foreign Ministry released interventionist statements regarding Zam.

In the meeting, the director general for European affairs at the Iranian foreign ministry strongly condemned the statements and dismissed them as interference in Iran’s internal affairs.

Hans-Udo Muzel also received Iran’s strong protest at the tolerance shown towards elements who provoke violence and acts of terror, and have taken refuge in some European countries and target the security of Iranian people.

The German diplomat, in turn, said he will notify EU officials as well as his country of Iran’s protest.

France’s Philippe Thiébaud also received Iran’s strong note of protest from the Iranian official.

The French diplomat, in turn, said he will notify his country’s officials of Tehran’s protest.

Rouhollah Zam had been convicted of acting against Iran’s internal and external security, spying for French intelligence agencies, and desecrating Islamic sanctities. Authorities say his online work inspired deadly anti-government protests in Iran in 2017.

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