Iran parl’t continues reviewing proposed ministers’ qualifications

The lawmakers in the Iranian parliament convened for third day on Monday to vet the qualifications of the cabinet ministers proposed by President Massoud Pezeshkian.

The open session started on Monday morning with Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf chairing the meeting and 206 parliamentarians in the 290-seat assembly in attendance.

The agenda of the session is to check the qualifications of 12 ministers of 19-member cabinet, including the nominees for the ministries of agriculture, justice, defense, roads and urban development, science, interior, culture, tourism and cultural heritage, oil, energy, sports, as well as industry, mines and trade.

The only female candidate on the proposed list, namely Farzaneh Sadegh, for the ministry of roads and urban development, is also on the schedule for Monday.

On Sunday, Pezeshkian’s picks for the Intelligence Ministry, Esmaeil Khatib, Ministry of Economy And Finance, Abdolnasser Hemmati, and Foreign Ministry, Abbas Araqchi highlighted their plans for their posts in case they win the legislative body’s vote of confidence.

On the first day, the president gave a general outline of the cabinet lineup in the morning session and the lawmakers gave their views on the nominees for the ministries of education and communications technology in the afternoon meeting.

The parliament is scheduled to hold its final meeting for the vote of confidence on Wednesday.

Pezeshkian’s cabinet lineup has received mixed reactions, but he has called on critics to “wait for the cabinet to start work and criticize it based on its performance.”

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