Iran nuclear chief: Tehran to unveil new atomic achievements soon

The director of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran has said the country will unveil 9 new nuclear achievements on April 9, which marks the National Day of Nuclear Energy in the Islamic Republic.

Mohamamd Eslami said 3 achievements are in the fields of radiopharmaceutical, diagnosis and treatment, 2 in the field of plasma therapy and the remaining 4 in the industrial field, namely laser.

Eslami said the nuclear fuel cycle is now totally indigenous and that Iran is also moving toward building its first fully homegrown nuclear power plant.

He added that the construction of a 360 megawatt power plant in Darkhovein, in southern Iran, will be pursued in the current Persian year, for which all knowledge-based industries and companies will be employed.

According to the director of the AEOI, Iran’s goal is to generate 10k megawatts of electricity, which he described as “nuclear renaissance”.

Eslami said Iran has already made 25 achievements in the peaceful nuclear energy field and will continue the trend. He also spoke about the Vienna talks aimed at reviving the 2015 nuclear deal, JCPOA.

Eslami said the country is willing to build confidence with the other parties to the Vienna talks but it will not give in to bullying. He maintained now that the US wants to return to the JCPOA, there must be verification so that the next steps can be guaranteed.

Eslami also referred to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s oversight activities in Iran. He said the IAEA’s concerns about a site have been dispelled and efforts are ongoing to remove the agency’s worries about three other sites within the next two months.

Eslami also dismissed claims that traces of uranium were detected at a site as unfounded, saying such uranium never existed in the first place.

The AEOI’s director said the Zionist regime is faking proof to level baseless allegations against Iran. He also said the regime has been doing acts of sabotage and terrorism against Iran with impunity.

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