Iranian MP: US sanctions aimed at dragging on nuclear talks

An Iranian lawmaker says the US has shown it is not ready for cooperation on the talks for the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal by imposing new sanctions against Iran.

Vice Chair of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Abbas Moqtadaei says the recent sanctions that hit several individuals and companies working with Iran, show Washington is trying drag on the talks.

“This more than ever shows how untrustworthy the US is and proved to everyone that they are after getting their objectives through exerting more pressure against the Iranian nation,” he said.

“US officials have realized that the Iranian nation is stronger than being impeded [in its progress] by the sanctions.”

Moqtadaei added that Iran has already overcome Washington’s “paralyzing” sanctions.

“Americans always seek to use pressure to get their objective against Iran. This pressure is either in the form of sanctions or dragging on the negotiations,” he said.

Iran has time and again said it is ready to sign an agreement to revive the 2015 nuclear deal whenever the US is prepared to return to its obligations under the accord.

Tehran says the US should guarantee Iran’s economic benefits as a key component of the commitments under the nuclear deal.

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