Iran MP: Talks over revival of nuclear talks to resume soon

Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) has quoted a member of the parliament’s national security and foreign policy commission’s presiding board as saying that a new round of sanctions removal talks could soon being in Vienna.

Yaghoub Rezazadeh said the members of the commission met with the head of the Iranian negotiating team recently, and Ali Bagheri told them the talks will take place given efforts by the European countries to this end.

Bagheri noted that in the new round of the talks, Iran and the other sides will be firmly determined.

He expressed hope the negotiations will result in a good deal that will meet the demands of the Iranian people and parliament.

Rezazadeh said the talks will probably happen in Vienna, but chances are that the venue of the negotiations will change.

The stumbling block in the way of reaching a deal has been the US’s insistence on keeping some anti-Iran sanctions in place and its refusal to give guarantee that it will not to leave the deal again as it did in 2018 under former President Donald Trump.

Tehran says it must enjoy full economic benefits of a deal. The Islamic Republic also says it’s ready for a lasting and robust agreement to revive the JCPOA but makes this conditional on all parties including the US fulfilling their obligations under the deal.

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