Iran lead negotiator to accompany Raisi to NY, ‘revives chances for EU to clinch nuclear deal’

The head of Iran’s nuclear negotiating team Ali Bagheri Kani will accompany Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi for the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, boosting prospects for sorting out the last remaining issues to salvage the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement with Iran and save global energy markets before cold winter days.

Mohammad Marandi, a top advisor to the Iranian negotiated team, said the US stonewalling of the deal will backfire on Europeans as they have already faced fuel shortage before the winter.

Marandi in a tweet on Sunday said, “As Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Dr. Ali Bagheri will be accompanying the President, it will be a good opportunity for the E3/EU to push the US to meaningfully resolve the few remaining issues.”

He added, “By stonewalling and foot-dragging, the US will needlessly make winter more painful.”

President Raisi is scheduled to set off for New York later on Monday to hold talks with several heads of state and deliver a speech at the General Assembly session on the “fair international order through economic multilateralism.”

Iran and the JCPOA’s remaining members are still at loggerheads after several rounds of negotiations in the Austrian capital Vienna since last year aimed at reviving the nuclear accord and lifting US-speared sanctions on Iran, as a major oil and gas producer in the world.

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