Iran foreign ministry spokesman: Possible German sanctions on IRGC illegal

Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman has described as irresponsible the recent comments by German officials on the possibility of imposing sanctions on the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).

Nasser Kanaani said in his weekly news briefing on Monday that Berlin’s possible move is a result of the “wrong” approach of the German government.

Kanaani added that the IRGC is an official military institution of Iran, expressing hope that the German and other governments are aware of the result of their “unconstructive” measures and do not sacrifice their mutual interests for “short-term political benefits.”

Also on the war in Ukraine, the spokesman said Iran exports arms to neither side of the war, stressing this includes Russia.

“Iran is opposed to the wars in Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, … and believes that it is necessary to use political solutions to resolve disagreements,” he said.

Kanaani also said Iran has sought a political approach to end the war contrary to the behavior of the self-styled champions of human rights, which have been exporting billions of dollars of equipment to Ukraine.

The spokesman also described the activity of the London-based Iran International news channel as similar to a “terrorist media”, saying Iran’s viewpoints on the news network have been conveyed to Saudi Arabia – which funds the channel – through diplomatic channels.

Iran International, he said, is serving as a “war room” for operations against the Iranian nation, adding that Tehran is pursuing legal measures against the “pseudo-medium”.

Kanaani then turned to the issue of the Iran nuclear deal and the International Atomic Energy Agency, saying outstanding issues between Iran and the IAEA will be resolved if the agency abandons “politicking”.

The spokesman also touched on the call by the IAEA chief on Iran to fulfill its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal.

“If the agency does not engage in politicking, issues between the two sides could be surely resolved with a technical approach and expert and technical negotiations,” he said.

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