Iranian diplomat: Hours matter in Vienna talks

An Iranian diplomat in Vienna has said hours now matter in the Vienna talks over the revival of the Iran nuclear deal and that the other parties must make an effort to win the Iranian side's trust.

The diplomat maintained that focusing on peripheral issues is a sign that the other side is not serious about reaching a deal.

He said the safeguards issue is a political one by nature and should not be used as an excuse against Iran in future.

The Iranian diplomat added that a deal between Iran and the other sides will be lasting only if it’s balanced.

He noted that such a deal ensure that trade companies will be able to do business with Iran consistently and without any worries following a deal, .

Iran and the P4+1 group of countries have just resumed sanctions removal talks in Vienna.

Iran says it’s ready for a deal and that such an agreement is at hand if the US acts responsibly and logically.

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