Iran Begins Feeding Gas into Dozens of New IR-5, IR-6 Centrifuges

Iran has started injecting gas into 164 chains of IR-6 as well as 30 chains of IR-5 centrifuges with a capacity of 10 SWU and also began mechanical tests on IR-9 machines with a capacity of 50 SWU.

Mass production of IR-5 and IR-6 centrifuges also began in a Saturday ceremony where 133 nuclear achievements were unveiled by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, marking National Nuclear Technology Day.

The accomplishments also included projects to design, build and assemble centrifuges as well as several medical, industrial and uranium enrichment projects among others.

Iran’s National Quantum Technologies Centre and National Centre to Separate and Expand Applications of Stable Nuclides also came on stream as part of the nuclear accomplishments.

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