Iran and Qatar to form joint working group for South Pars study

An informed source in Iran’s Oil Ministry says Iraq and Qatar are going to discuss bilateral cooperation in gas swap, adoption of a common position in world markets and formation of a joint South Pars study working group.

The source told IRNA the plans are on the agenda of the talks between the two countries oil ministers who will meet on the sidelines of the the summit of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) next week in Doha.

The source added that the possible focus of the talks between the oil ministers of Iran and Qatar will be more on world markets and gas trade.

The informed source stressed that the gas swap will also be considered as one of the prongs of the negotiations.

He said in these talks, common positions on gas trade and global markets will be emphasized, adding that the establishment of joint knowledge-based companies in the field of oil and energy will be discussed by Iran and Qatar.

The informed source went on to say that the establishment of a joint working group to study the South Pars gas field that belong to Iran and Qatar is another issue that will be discussed during the meeting between the Iranian and Qatari oil ministers. Earlier, Iran’s Ambassador to Qatar announced President Ebrahim Raisi will attend the GECF summit during his visit to Doha next week.

Members of the GECF control 44% of world gas production, 60% of world gas reserves, 64% of pipeline gas transmission and 66% of liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade.

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