Defense chief pick: Iran has managed to establish deterrence vis-à-vis enemies

Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh, who is Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian’s pick for defense minister, said on Monday that new technologies have weakened the unipolar US-made world order and new powers are emerging in the world including the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Nasirzadeh added that under such circumstances, the pressures of the global arrogance and their regional lackeys against the resistance front and the Islamic Republic of Iran have intensified but despite that, Iran’s influence over the world’s oppressed nations have increased.

He noted that while adversaries of Iran are trying to forge alliances against the Islamic Republic, Tehran has succeeded in creating a powerful detterence.

Nasirzadeh stressed that the main and special task of the Defense Ministry is to maximize the production of power, noting that Iran has achieved this goal because it has managed to establish deterrence vis-à-vis the enemies.

Nasirzadeh made those at a parliamentary session where he was supposed to outline his plans to boost the Defense Ministry in roder for lawmakers to approve him for the key post.

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