Canada Doing Business with Grief of Ukraine Plane Crash Victims’ Families: Iran

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh has dismissed as legally unfounded a court verdict issued by a Canadian court regarding the 2020 Ukrainian plane crash, saying that Ottawa is expected to show the behaviour of a mature government instead of playing with the sentiments of the survivors.

“The ruling in question has no basis and lacks any objective evidence and reason,” Khatibzadeh said in response to questions about the Ontario court’s ruling.

“Given that the verdict is available online, we invite those interested in such issues to study the court ruling to realise that it is groundless,” he added.

“Everyone knows that the Canadian court does have the jurisdiction, after all, to look into this air accident or possible error associated with an incident that happened outside the territory and jurisdiction of Canada,” he said.

However, added the spokesman, it is not surprising to see that Canada disregards the fundamental and basic legal principles, given the overall behaviour of this country with regards to that air accident.

“Even the domestic law that the court has referred to runs counter to legal principles and, in fact, is tantamount to a violation of Canada’s international obligations,” Khatibzadeh said.

He further dismissed as “regrettable” Ottawa’s behaviour with regards to the Ukrainian plane crash and the “completely politically-tainted” approach adopted by Canada during the course of the legal proceedings in the country.

“By following in the footsteps of American courts, this Canadian court first named the accused, and then resorted to whatever relevant or irrelevant information available in public sources, especially in the cyberspace, to find a reason for its biased and pre-determined mentality,” he added.

“The Canadian judge’s following of political clichés and orders is regarded as shameful behaviour for a country which claims to be an advocate of the rule of law,” the spokesman said.

Khatibzadeh rejected as unacceptable the Canadian government’s actions, especially the recent ruling issued by a court in that country, and reminded Ottawa that such politically-motivated and vexatious moves will have no outcome other than disrupting the legal order ruling international aviation law and undercutting international law in general and harming all countries, including Canada itself.

The spokesman once again condoled with families of the victims and survivors of the incident, saying, “The political gestures of the Canadian government can only be interpreted as doing business with the grief and sorrow of the bereaved families and survivors of the accident and playing with their sentiments in order to achieve its short-sighted political objectives,” Khatibzadeh added.

“We want the Canadian government to show the behaviour of a mature government instead of pretending to be actively involved in dealing with this tragic accident, and to act based on internationally recognised rules and respect principles,” he noted.

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