Camouflaged Missiles Fired from Underground during Iran War Games

Day two of the final phase of major war games by Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) saw ballistic missiles fired from deep inside the ground.

The projectiles were completely camouflaged before their launch.

During the drills, the IRGC’s aerospace division, using modern tactics and equipment, displayed part of its capabilities in countering threats posed by the mock enemy.

Earlier, missiles were fired at a US mock aircraft carrier moved by Iran to the Persian Gulf.

The military exercises spans Hormozgan province, the west of the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf all the way into the heart of the country. The war games feature land, sea, air and space drills.

In the final phase of the maneuvers, missile, vessel and drone units of the IRGC’s Naval Force as well as the missile, drone and radar units of the IRGC’s Aerospace Division carry out operations and drills.

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