‘Bitter Satire’ Europeans Asking Iran Not to Implement Law Passed by MPs

The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman says the West cannot ask the Iranian administration to violate the legislation passed by the country's Parliament regarding sanctions imposed on the country.

Speaking in a press conference on Monday, Saeed Khatibzadeh said the government will abide by any legislation signed into law.

“With regards to the Iranian Parliament’s legislation, it is ridiculous and bitter satire that some representatives of Western democracies want us not to abide by democratic frameworks,” he noted. 

“We are definitely obliged to comply with legislation which has become law based on executive bylaws, and no one can make such a request. It is a strange request,” he underlined.

Iranian Vice President Es’haq Jahangiri on December 28, 2020 communicated the law to relevant bodies for implementation.

Iranian lawmakers recently approved legislation aimed at tackling sanctions imposed on the country. The law prevents international inspectors from accessing the country’s nuclear facilities in case the international sanctions are not lifted in two months.

The law instructs the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) to produce at least 120 kilogrammes of 20%-enriched uranium annually and stockpile it in the country and use it for peaceful purposes as needed.

Under the law, the government also has a duty to meet, fully and without delay, domestic industries’ need for uranium enriched up to a purity level of 20 percent and above for peaceful purposes.

The government also has a duty to raise the country’s uranium enrichment and production to realize the enrichment capacity of 190 thousand separative work units (SWU).

Based on the law, the government is duty-bound, too, to make use of advanced centrifuges, including IR6 and IR2M types.

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