Analyst: Europeans’ claim on Iran nuclear work unacceptable

A former veteran Iranian lawmaker says the issues raised by the European troika concerning the country’s cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency are completely unacceptable.

The former chair of the parliament’s national security and foreign policy commission told ISNA that Europe lacks independence in its decision-making and is under the deep influence of the US and Israel.

“Accordingly, the viewpoint of Europe, even at the level of the Troika that consists of the three major and powerful European countries, is of no greater worth,” Alaeddin Boroujerdi said.

He was referring to the statement by France, Germany and the UK that they doubt Iran’s intentions in its nuclear work.

The international affairs analyst noted that Iran’s nuclear steps have been taken only in reaction to the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal based on its own national interests and the conditions stipulated in the accord.

“I think under the current circumstances, seeing that the decisions Americans make about the JCPOA are affected by the upcoming election on the one hand, and the pressure by Israel, as a sponsor of the US elections, on the other hand. It is the US-requested line of action that Europeans continue and prolong the game,” he said.

Boroujerdi contended that this means it is the Europeans, who are to blame for the involved parties to have failed to get a final agreement on the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal so far.

He further stressed that Iran will continue the push to safeguard its national interests based on its announced stance and will not wait for its rights to be violated.

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