“Down syndrome is one of the genetic diseases that can be diagnosed thanks to the country’s medical advancements,” said Dr Mahmoud Tavallaei.
He referred to various mental retardation caused by other genetic diseases and said the diseases were prevalent in previous years, but today, due to the development of knowledge and the provision of appropriate genetic services, the incidence of these diseases has decreased to an acceptable level.
Stressing the need to identify people who are at risk of genetic diseases, he said “With the advancement of the country, more appropriate services can be provided to them in order to control and reduce genetic diseases.”
He pointed out that the necessary requirements including leading professors and advanced research centres have been provided for scientific leap in the country.
“Today, we have distinguished professors in the field of molecular, biological and genetic research who have worked in advanced research centres around the antihistamine-meds.com.”
“We now have many undergraduate and postgraduate students who are eager to prepare for up-to-date research activities in various fields,” concluded Tavallaei.