A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Monday, October 23, and picked headlines from 17 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

A top story in today’s newspapers was the two Iranian girls who committed suicide in the city of Isfahan under the influence of ‘Blue Whale’ game. The incident was shocking and unbelievable for the Iranian society and experts who thought the dangerous Russian game had not entered Iran.

The Iraqi prime minister’s visit to Saudi Arabia and the trilateral meeting he held with US Secretary of State and the Saudi officials also received great coverage. Iranian papers argue that Saudi Arabia and the US are planning to keep Baghdad away from Tehran and counter Iran’s regional influence. However, Iran says Iraqi PM Haider al-Abadi will also visit Tehran in the near future, and this will help Iran to be informed about the results of Riyadh meeting soon.

Several papers also covered the non-proliferation conference in Moscow and the remarks made about the Iran nuclear deal. Russia and Europe’s support for JCPOA and the comments made by Iranian FM Javad Zarif and Deputy FM Abbas Araqchi about US violation of its commitments also received great coverage.

The above issues, as well as many more, are highlighted in the following headlines and top stories:


19 Dey:

1- Sheikh Naim Qassem: US Defeated in Case of Iran Nuclear Deal


A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23



1- Ryabkov: IAEA Not Allowed to Inspect Iran’s Military Sites

2- Yemen Claims It Has Seized Iranian Ship near Yemeni Islands



A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23


1- Raisi: Renegotiation Aimed at Controlling Iran’s Regional Power



A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23

Arman-e Emrooz:

1- Senior MP: We Have a Good Constitution, but We Keep Bypassing It

2- Pressure on Rouhani’s Government More than That on Khatami’s: Reformist Figure

3- Velayati: Iraqi PM Abadi to Visit Tehran

4- Zarif Pens Letter of Protest to Mogherini over JCPOA Violation, Trump’s Remarks


A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23



1- Trump: I’m Not Opposed to Germany, France’s Continued Business with Iran

2- Brand of Iran’s Saderat (Export) Bank Globally Registered

3- Health Minister: 50% of Deaths in Iran Caused by Stroke



A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23


1- ‘Blue Whale’ Swallows Iranian Girls

  • A Report on Dangerous Game that Prompted Two Girls to Commit Suicide

2- Zarif: Without Iran, ISIS Would Have Established Gov’t in Iraqi Kurdistan

3- Russia, Europe Fully Support Iran Nuclear Deal


A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23



1- Dream of Controlling Iran’s Influence: A Report on Tillerson’s Saudi Visit

2- Zarif: Americans Unfortunately Don’t Want to Correct Their Mistake

3- ‘Riyadh’s Help in Iraq Reconstruction’ Bait for Keeping Baghdad Away from Tehran


A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23



1- Peshmarga Commander Makes Request from Ayatollah Sistani

2- Palestine Flag Hoisted in World Student Festival in Russia


A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23


Haft-e Sobh:

1- King Salman, Tillerson Dreaming about Iraq


A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23



1- Business on Border of Caution, Hope

  • Market Situation in Western Iran after Closure of Iraqi Kurdistan Borders



A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23


1- Washington, Riyadh’s Evil Eye on Tehran-Baghdad Friendly Ties



A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23

Jomhouri Eslami:

1- Oil Minister: Oil Market Did Not Listen to Trump’s Words, Threats

2- Iraqi Kurdistan Parliament Poised to Remove Position of KRG President



A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23


1- Nine Days Left to Implementation of ‘Mother of Sanctions’

  • What’s Gov’t Going to Do?

2- Leaders of Iraqi Kurdistan Resolved to Remove Barzani

3- AP: American Representatives Plan to Make JCPOA, Iran’s Missile Restrictions Permanent

4- Behind the Scenes of Trump’s Madness



A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23


1- Sanders’ Account of Class Gap in US

  • A Look at Sanders’ Book ‘Our Revolution’ about Poverty of 43 Million Americans



A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23

Rooyesh-e Mellat:

1- IRGC General: America’s Presence in Raqqa Nothing More than Juggling

2- Tehran-Baghdad Strategic Ties Strong, Sustainable: Senior Politician



A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23


1- Public Prosecution of Prisoners Accused of $1 Billion Corruption

2- Tragedy of Death and Life: A Report on Frustrating Situation of Rohingya Muslims



A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23


1- Why Is Iran’s Society So Much Prone to Rumours?!


A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 23

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