US’ ‘Defeat’ over Snapback Sanctions Makes Headlines in Iran

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Monday, September 21, 2020, and picked headlines from 14 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

Iranian Newspapers

Abrar Newspaper:

1- Foreign Ministry: Washington Responsible for Consequences of Any Move against Iran

US’ ‘Defeat’ over Snapback Sanctions Makes Headlines in Iran

Aftab-e Yazd Newspaper:

1- World Says No to World

2- Coronavirus Increases Narcotic Prices

3- US Dollar Rate Rises by 725% in 3 Years

US’ ‘Defeat’ over Snapback Sanctions Makes Headlines in Iran

Arman-e Melli Newspaper:

1- End of Arms Embargo in Late October

2- Analyst: We Should Soften Edges of Our Foreign Policy

US’ ‘Defeat’ over Snapback Sanctions Makes Headlines in Iran

Ebtekar Newspaper:

1- Washington’s Solo Performance with No Sound

* US Isolated in Using Snapback Mechanism of JCPOA It Had Rejected

2- Iran’s VP for Women Affairs Say Mother’s Name Must Be Included in National ID Card

3- Tehran in Totally Red Condition in Terms of COVID-19 Outbreak

4- Psychological Trigger against Iran’s Economy

* What Impact Will US Unilateral Move Have on Iran Economy?

US’ ‘Defeat’ over Snapback Sanctions Makes Headlines in Iran

Etemad Newspaper:

1- Victory in Diplomatic War

US’ ‘Defeat’ over Snapback Sanctions Makes Headlines in Iran

Ettela’at Newspaper:

1- Rouhani: US to Receive Iran’s Decisive Response If It Resorts to Bullying

2- Zarif: We Don’t Need European Weapons

US’ ‘Defeat’ over Snapback Sanctions Makes Headlines in Iran

Iran Newspaper:

1- US’ Maximum Loneliness

2- Without Global Support, Pompeo Says Iran Sanctions Reinstated

3- Zarif: Pompeo Lost in Net of His Own Deceit

US’ ‘Defeat’ over Snapback Sanctions Makes Headlines in Iran

Javan Newspaper:

1- IRGC Chief: US Can’t Beat Us in Battlefield

2- It’s Time for P4+1 to Counter US Bullying in Practice

US’ ‘Defeat’ over Snapback Sanctions Makes Headlines in Iran

Kayhan Newspaper:

1- They Prevented Export of Wired Fence to Iran in 1980, Now They’re Worried about Iran’s Missile Exports

2- Europe’s Support for Iran Meaningful Only If They Lift Sanctions

3- US Was Defeated Three Times in Past Month; Rouhani’s Message to Remaining JCPOA Parties

4- 78% of Americans Believe US Elections Neither Fair nor Free

US’ ‘Defeat’ over Snapback Sanctions Makes Headlines in Iran

Khorasan Newspaper:

1- Americans Bluff with Unloaded Weapon

US’ ‘Defeat’ over Snapback Sanctions Makes Headlines in Iran

Mardom Salari Newspaper:

1- E3 Opposed to US Unilateralism

2- Iran’s Official Damages in 1980s War: $97 Billion

3- Rouhani: US Was Defeated

US’ ‘Defeat’ over Snapback Sanctions Makes Headlines in Iran

Sazandegi Newspaper:

1- Shooting at Trigger

* US Unilaterally Claims Snapback Mechanism Activated Despite Opposition of 13 UNSC Members

US’ ‘Defeat’ over Snapback Sanctions Makes Headlines in Iran

Shahrhvand Newspaper:

1- Sep. 20 Memorable Day of Iran’s Diplomatic History: Rouhani

US’ ‘Defeat’ over Snapback Sanctions Makes Headlines in Iran

Shargh Newspaper:

1- Trump’s Victory to Change Europe’s Path in Mideast

2- Reformists Waiting for Biden’s Victory: Analyst

3- India’s Parsis to Make Huge Contribution to Iran

* Indian Man of Iranian Descent Pledges to Provide Iran with COVID-19 Vaccine

4- Rouhani: US Was DefeatedUS’ ‘Defeat’ over Snapback Sanctions Makes Headlines in Iran

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