Top Iranian Security Body Backs MPs’ Legislation Aimed at Lifting Sanctions

Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) has thrown its weight behind a recent legislation by lawmakers that seeks to lift the US sanctions imposed on the country.

In a statement on Saturday, the SNSC said the Strategic Action to Lift Sanctions Motion was returned to the Parliament after corrections were made to it.

“The SNSC incorporated some considerations into some aspects of the issue, approved them and they were finally communicated to the Parliament as an SNSC decision,” read the statement.

It added the SNSC only made some corrections to the plan and was not involved in its adoption in the Parliament.

“Different phases of the plan from drawing up until receiving final approval were all conducted based on the modus operandi and legal procedures of Parliament, and the SNSC was not involved in it,” it added.

The statement underlined the SNSC believes the legislation will not harm the country’s national interests; rather, the bickering over the law is a cause for concern.

“It is this wrangling which has harmed the status of the country’s legal bodies (Parliament) and affect national unity and solidarity,” it said.

“Undoubtedly, the viewpoints and behaviour we saw in recent days have compromised national interests for the sake of partisan interests, and they will not benefit the country and will only send the wrong message to enemies,” it said.

The statement warned that the council will allow national interests turn into a plaything in the hands of politicos.

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