
Analyst responds to Principlist figure: Polarization of Iran society nothing new

An Iranian Reformist political analyst reacts to remarks by veteran Principlist politician Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel about the growing “polarization” in the Iranian society, saying the trend is in fact nothing new and should have been noted earlier.

Reformist Leader Khatami Praises Mehralizadeh for Dropping Out of Election

Iran's former president Seyyed Mohammad Khatami, who is known as the leader of Iranian reformists, has praised presidential contender Mohsen Mehralizadeh's move to drop out of the race in favour of Abdolnasser Hemmati.

Iranian Reformist Presidential Contender Withdraws from Race

Iranian presidential candidate Mohsen Mehralizadeh has pulled out of the race.

Ex-President Khatami Urges Reformists to Participate in Iran’s Presidential Vote

Mohammad Khatami, Iran’s former president and the reformists' leader, has called for the participation of all political groups in the June 18 presidential elections.

Certain Candidates Wronged in Vetting Process, Must Be Compensated: Iran Leader

Iran’s Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says certain presidential hopefuls have been treated unfairly in the Guardian Council’s vetting process, and relevant bodies must compensate.

Disqualification of Key Presidential Hopefuls Triggers Harsh Reactions in Iran

The Guardian Council’s disqualification of key presidential candidates has provoked strong criticisms among politicians and observers in both political camps, warning of a “non-competitive” presidential election in June.

Reformists Say Won’t Be Part of Iran’s June Presidential Elections

A spokesman for the Iranian Reformist Front says the reformists will not be part of the upcoming presidential elections as none of their candidates has been qualified by the Guardian Council to run for president.

Iran Election 2021: Who Are Most Prominent Candidates Running for President?

The deadline for registration of Iranian presidential hopefuls passed on Saturday afternoon, after dozens of people, including several politicians and military figures, signed up to run for president in the country's June elections.

Iran Elections 2021: Larijani, Rafsanjani Sign Up to Run for President

Former speaker of Iran's Parliament Ali Larijani and chairman of Tehran City Council Mohsen Hashemi Rafsanjani signed up to run for president in Iran's June elections.

Prominent Reformist Politician Tajzadeh Says Will Run for President

Mostafa Tajzadeh, a senior Iranian reformist politician and a former political prisoner, says he will run for president in the June elections.

Iran’s Reformist Leader Condemns Nuclear Scientist’s Assassination

Iran’s former president Seyyed Mohammad Khatami has categorically condemned the assassination of eminent Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

Reformists Put on Compulsory Leave by Guardian Council: Iranian Daily

A report by Iranian reformist newspaper Etemad has blamed the country’s Guardian Council for preventing the reformist figures from running for parliamentary seats, saying the candidates affiliated with the reformists have been practically granted compulsory leave for the next term of the Parliament.

Conservatives Form Coalition ahead of Iran Parliamentary Election

An elite group of Iranian principlists, known as the Forces of the Revolution, have finally reached a consensus on forming an alliance to secure all of the 30 parliamentary seats allocated to Tehran, just a few days ahead of the election day.

Iran Reformist Camp Not to Field Any Nominees in Tehran Constituency

The Iranian reformist camp will present no electoral list in Tehran constituency in the upcoming legislative election due to be held on February 21.

Reformists Undecided Whether to Field Candidates in Iran Elections

Reformists have met to decide whether or not to field candidates in the upcoming parliamentary election in Iran, slated for February 21, following the Guardian Council’s massive disqualification of their candidates.

14,000 Apply for Candidacy at Iran Parliamentary Elections

The process of registering candidates for running in Iran’s parliamentary elections, slated for February 2020, has come to an end with around 14,000 people applying for candidacy, according to Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli.

Iran Starts Preparations for 2020 Parliamentary Elections

Iran's Interior Ministry has officially opened the elections headquarters to carry out preparations for the upcoming Parliament elections.

Pardoned by Wife’s Family, Ex-Mayor of Tehran Released on Bail

Former mayor of Tehran and senior Iranian politician Mohammad Ali Najafi, who had been sentenced to death for murdering his wife, has been released on bail a couple of weeks after being forgiven by the victim’s family.

Iranian Politician Pardoned by Wife’s Family, Escapes Death Penalty

Mohammad Ali Najafi, the former mayor of Tehran and senior Iranian politician who had been sentenced to death for murdering his wife, has been forgiven by the victim’s family, and won’t be executed.

Top Iranian Politician Sentenced to Death for Killing Wife

Mohammad Ali Najafi, a senior reformist politician, has been sentenced to death for murdering his wife, Iran's Judiciary Spokesman Gholam-Hossein Esmaeili announced on Tuesday.

Iranian Reformists Unanimously Condemn US’ IRGC Blacklisting

On the same day that the US government labelled Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps  a terrorist organisation, many reformist figures condemned the Trump administration’s move unanimously, despite their political disagreements with the IRGC.

Iranian Media Condemn West’s Double Standards on New Zealand Terror Attack

The deadly shooting incident in New Zealand which left at least 49 people dead has received strong condemnation by Iranian media, from both reformist and conservative camps.

Tehran City Council Elects Pirouz Hanachi as New Mayor

Members of Tehran City Council have picked up a reformist technocrat as the capital’s new mayor after a neck to neck competition between the two final candidates.

Hiring Relatives Banned in Tehran Municipality

The members of the Islamic City Council of Tehran have voted in favour of a law that prohibits hiring of the relatives of managers in Tehran municipality.

CFT Bill Ratified by Parliament Thanks to Larijani’s Prudence: Reformist

An Iranian reformist figure has recounted how Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani’s prudence rendered ineffective the scenarios orchestrated by radicals to prevent the ratification of the bill on Iran’s accession to the Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) convention.

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