Iran-EU Relations

Climate change causes spread of dust in region

Iraq, Jordan, Syria and the Arabian Peninsula are the major foreign centers for the dust pollution in Iran, the director of the Iranian Environment Department said.

Iran not pressed for time over nuclear deal: Iran

If the other side does not put forth excessive demands, nuclear negotiations will lead to a result by the announced deadline, deputy FM Majid Takht-e Ravanchi said.

Iranian official says diplomacy only solution to Yemen crisis

The National Security and Foreign Policy chief of Parliament censured the international community’s silence toward the deadly Saudi airstrikes against Yemen.

Excessive demands kill Iran nuclear deal: Larijani

A final deal can be reached if the P5+1 adopts a rational approach, abstains from making excessive demands, and avoids new issues during the talks on drafting the final text of an agreement, Larijani said.

Gas exports to Europe not economical: Iranian official

Given a decline in gas prices in Europe, it is not economically feasible to export gas there at the moment, said Mohsen Ghamsari.

First Iran-P5+1 draft to contain blank sections: Araghchi

Araghchi said Iran and P5+1, represented by EU political director Helga Schmid, have officially started drawing up the draft of a final nuclear agreement.

There’s only one Iran nuclear talks statement: EU

The valid statement is the one which has been agreed on and delivered on April 2 by the EU foreign chief and the Iranian foreign minister in Switzerland, said Catherine Ray.

Spreading fears on Iran nuclear deal unhelpful: EU

Spreading fears is not helpful at this stage. We are getting closer to a comprehensive accord aimed at ending the longstanding dispute on Tehran’s nuclear dossier, said Mogherini.

EU’s Mogherini: Time to show political will for Iran’s nuclear deal

The EU foreign policy chief has underlined that Iran and P5+1 should seize the opportunity in nuclear talks to reach a comprehensive deal.

Iran’s Zarif, EU’s Mogherini discuss nuclear talks by phone

In a phone chat at the request of the EU foreign policy chief, Zarif and Mogherini talked about the latest developments in nuclear talks between Iran and P5+1.

Iran, EU call for timely nuclear agreement

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and EU Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini have said that negotiations should be brought to a conclusion by the agreed time.

Iran, Russia must be engaged to defeat ISIL: EU

Iran is an important regional player and this means that we will have to engage with Iran on regional matters, said Federica Mogherini.

Iran to resume petchem exports to Europe

A consignment of linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), measuring 2,000 tons with a total value of over $2 million, will be shipped to Belgium next week.

Iran slams EU’s fresh bans against Iranian institutions, companies

Tehran has blasted the imposition by the European Union of fresh sanctions on some Iranian companies and institutes, saying it contradicts the purpose of the ongoing nuclear talks.

Germany shares security concerns with Iran

Niels Annen, the spokesman of Germany’s SPD, says Berlin disapproves of a go-it-alone mentality and wants to see Iran’s nuclear case settled.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry, EU Foreign Policy Council Hold Meeting in Tehran

Foreign policy experts from Iran and the EU hold a meeting in Tehran to discuss bilateral issues and global developments.

Zarif: Iran, EU enjoy extensive capacity for economic cooperation

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Saturday that Iran and the European Union enjoy extensive capacity to develop economic cooperation.

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