
200 cyber attacks thwarted ahead of key elections: Iranian official

Head of Iran's Passive Defense Organization Brigadier General Gholamreza Jalali stated Tehran has foiled 200 cyber attacks against the country in the one month leading to the Parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections which were held on Friday.

Report: Iran’s Mostazafan Foundation website hacked

A hacker group claims it has taken down Iran’s charitable Mostazafan Foundation’s website and released its documents.

Giant Iranian online food ordering platform hacked

Iranian online food ordering platform SnappFood has confirmed that hackers have broken into its users’ data.

Iranian mobile taxi booking app hacked

A mobile taxi booking app in Iran comes under a hacking attack.

Website of Iran’s Imam Sadegh University hacked

Iran's Imam Sadegh University's website has been hit by a cyberattack. Following the attack, a picture appeared on the website of the university that said the Black Reward hacking group claimed responsibility for it.

Iran foils cyber raids against Central Bank, messaging apps

Iran has thwarted a wave of cyber attacks targeting the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) and two domestic messaging applications.

Official: Cyberattack on Iranian messaging apps foiled

The CEO of Iran’s Infrastructure Communications Company says the country has managed to foil a massive cyberattack on Iranian instant messaging apps.

Iran’s Fars News Agency says origin of recent hacking attack detected

Iran’s Fars News Agency explains different aspects of the latest cyberattack that recently hit its website, saying the origin of the assault was quickly determined and an operation is underway to neutralize it.

Iranian minister: Cyberspace security needs revision

The Iranian minister of information and communications technology says the government, as the protector of the citizens’ interests, has to promote the country’s cyber security infrastructure and open up the space for people and businesses.

Hackers attack Iran’s Khouzestan Steel Company

Key Iranian steel producer Khouzestan Steel Company has been targeted with a cyber attack, reports say.

Report: Iran makes arrest over municipality cyberattack

Iranian authorities have reportedly arrested one person over a recent cyberattack that targeted Tehran municipality’s website and surveillance cameras, an informed source says.

Iran rejects reports of cyber attack at Imam Khomeini Int. Airport

An Iranian official has rejected reports of a cyber attack at the Imam Khomeini International Airport, south of Tehran, saying a technical glitch in the passport control system briefly left passengers stranded there earlier on Saturday.

Cyber-attack knocks out Tehran municipality website and control cameras

Tehran’s municipality says its website on Thursday was hacked in a cyber-attack and some profane pictures appeared on it for several minutes.

Iran foils large-scale cyber attack against infrastructures

An Iranian cyber security institution says its experts have thwarted a large-scale cyber attack originating from IPs in Western states against the country’s infrastructure, conducted through the security loopholes of an application commonly used at different institutions.

UN envoy: Iran victim of US and Israel cyber-attacks

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iran to the United Nations has rejected using force in cyberspace. Majid Takht Ravanchi said Iran has been a victim of cyber-attacks by the United States and Israel.

Hackers attack Israeli engineering companies

A hacker group called Moses Staff says it has successfully conducted a cyberattack on three Israeli engineering companies. It comes less than two weeks after the same group leaked files saying to have obtained them in an attack on the Defense Ministry.

US, Israel behind cyberattack on Iran gas stations: Top General

The head of the Passive Defense Organization of Iran says the United States and the Israeli regime were behind the recent cyberattack on Iran’s gas stations.

Iran president: Tuesday cyberattack aimed to disrupt lives

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raesi says Tuesday’s cyberattack that caused an outage at the country’s gas stations was aimed at disrupting people’s lives.

Iran, Russia Sign Information Security Cooperation Pact

Highest-ranking diplomats from Iran and Russia signed an information security agreement that entails closer interaction between Tehran and Moscow in cyber-security activities.

Iran Thwarts over 412 Million Malware Attacks in One Year

The Iranian Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) says its cyber-security division has detected and foiled more than 412 cyberattacks over the past year.

Iran Says Cyber Attack on Rajaee Port Foiled Successfully

Iran says it has neutralised a cyber-attack, probably launched by Israel, on its infrastructure in Rajaee Port in the south of the country.

Iran Suing US for Cyber Attacks: Security Official

The head of Iran’s Civil Defense Organization said the country’s judicial and diplomatic bodies have taken judicial action against the US for its cyber attacks and threats against Iran.

Iran Has No Preference in US Elections 2020: Zarif

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Tehran has no preference in the US 2020 presidential elections, denying that Iran would interfere with the upcoming votes.

Iran Denies Reports of Cyber-Attack on Its Oil Facilities

The cyberspace security centre of Iran president's office (AFTA) has in a statement rejected Western media reports that Iranian oil facilities and other vital infrastructure have been targeted by successful cyber-attacks.

Iran Chairs AALCO Meeting on Cyberspace in China

Chaired by the Islamic Republic of Iran, the 4th Working Group Meeting on International Law in Cyberspace of Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) was held in the Chinese city of Hangzhou on September 2-4, 2019.

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