Ali Rabiei

Iran’s ex-govt. spokesperson advises media not to whip up tensions

The former spokesperson of the Iranian government has accused some media, including Iran’s state-run television and radio of stirring tensions amid the social unrest in the country, advising them to either offer a solution or remain silent.

Iran: No Broader Talks with US before JCPOA Obligations Fulfilled

Iran dismisses talks with the US on a wider range of topics than the 2015 nuclear deal, saying current signatories to the accord and Washington need to fulfill their obligations before any broader discussions could take place.

Iran Govt. Says Will Review Protocols on Dispatching Reporters on Business Trips

Iran’s government spokesman has called for a review on safety protocols for dispatching of reporters on business trips, after two correspondents lost their lives in a bus crash incident in the Western Azarbaijan province in the northwest of the country.

US in No Position to Comment about Iran Election Process: Spokesman

Iran's Government Spokesman Ali Rabiei says the United States Department of State is in no position to comment about Iran's democratic mechanisms, and that Washington had better correct its own internal affairs before judging other countries.

Removal of All Anti-Iran Sanctions Near At Hand: Spokesman

Iran’s Government Spokesman Ali Rabiei says he believes the removal of all sanctions, including those related to the 2015 nuclear deal, is near at hand.

Zarif’s Leaked Audio Tape ‘Stolen’, Says Gov’t Spokesman

Iran says the dissident television network Iran International’s “stealing” of an audio file of Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was a conspiracy to achieve its wicked objectives.

Iran Says in No Rush to Achieve Desired Outcome in Vienna Talks

The Iranian government spokesman says Iran is in no rush to get Vienna talks to come to fruition, and will not give any concessions beyond the JCPOA.

Iran Reserves Right to Act against Perpetrators of Terror Act in Natanz

The Iranian government spokesman says Iran reserves the right to act against those who ordered and perpetrated the act of sabotage against the country’s Natanz nuclear facility.

Iran Says Not to Return to Nuclear Deal Before US Does So

The Iranian government spokesman says Tehran will not return to its commitments under the 2015 nuclear dea until the United States fulfills its obligations.

Iran Warns of ‘Disastrous Consequences’ If Israel Makes Any Mistake

The Iranian government spokesman says catastrophic repercussions are awaiting Tel Aviv officials should they make any mistakes.

Iran Says US Not Prepared for Prisoner Exchange

Iranian Government Spokesman Ali Rabiei says Tehran has expressed its preparedness for a full prisoner swap with the United States, but the new US administration does not seem to be ready for that.

Iran Says Waiting for Biden Administration’s Action

Iranian Government Spokesman Ali Rabiei says Tehran is waiting for the new US administration to take action and return to its obligations under the 2015 Iran nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Actions Taken by Biden Administration ‘Extremely Insufficient’: Iran

The Iranian government spokesman says the actions taken by the new US administration so far are not enough, urging Washington to walk the walk to make up for the wrong policies of the White House under former President Donald Trump.

Iran’s Gov’t Spokesman Predicts US Sanctions Will Be Lifted Soon

The Iranian government spokesman says the country forecasts "with certainty" that sanctions imposed by Washington against Iran will soon be removed.

Standoff over JCPOA Must Be Resolved Diplomatically: Iranian Spokesman

Speaking in a Tuesday press conference, Rabiei said the current row over the JCPOA should be settled diplomatically. “Basically, we believe the solution to...

Iran Not to Halt Its Cooperation with IAEA: Spokesman

Iran’s Government Spokesman Ali Rabiei says the country will stop its voluntary implementation of the Additional Protocol next week if the US sanctions are not lifted, but it does not mean that Iran is going to halt its cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Pregnant Iranian Nurse Dies of Coronavirus before Seeing Her Baby

The novel coronavirus has led to the death of a pregnant Iranian nurse before she delivered her baby.

JCPOA Survived Thanks to Iran’s Efforts; Now It’s Other Parties’ Turn

Iran’s government spokesman Ali Rabiei says the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers have survived so far thanks to the Iranian nation’s resistance, and it’s now the other parties’ duty to keep it alive.

Iran Rejects Macron’s ‘Short-Sighted’ Call for Renegotiation of JCPOA

The Iranian government spokesman has dismissed "irresponsible" remarks by French President Emmanuel Macron about fresh negotiations on the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

‘Iran Secured Major Achievements after 1979 Islamic Revolution’

Iran’s government spokesman says the country has secured numerous achievements since the victory of its 1979 Islamic Revolution.

‘US Expected to Release Iran’s Frozen Assets to Be Used in Fight against COVID-19’

The Iranian government spokesman has urged the new US administration to release Iran’s frozen assets, so that Tehran can use them to fight the coronavirus pandemic and buy food and medicines for its citizens.

No Talks with US before Biden Announces Official Position on JCPOA: Iran

The Iranian government spokesman says Tehran is waiting for the new US administration to announce whether or how it will begin to deliver on its commitments as per the 2015 nuclear deal (officially known as the JCPOA).

Biden Has Chance to Open Up New Horizon for Ties with Iran: Spokesman

Iran’s government spokesman says the new US administration has the opportunity to create a new prospect for Washington-Tehran relations.

Biden Must Return to Commitments as First Step to Win Iran’s Trust: Spokesman

The incoming US administration ought to fulfill its commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and the UN Security Council Resolution 2231 thoroughly as the first step to win Iran’s trust, the spokesperson for the Iranian government said.

Iran Says Will Never Forget Trump’s Evil Acts, Cruel Sanctions

Iran’s government spokesman says the Iranian nation will never forget US President Donald Trump’s evil acts, including cruel sanctions, against the Islamic Republic.

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