Source: US sabotaging Iran economic benefits from sanctions removal

A source familiar with the Vienna talks says the US sabotage of Iran’s economic benefits from the termination of sanctions is the main reason for the stalemate in the Vienna talks.

A source familiar with the Vienna talks says the US sabotage of Iran’s economic benefits from the termination of sanctions is the main reason for the stalemate in the Vienna talks.

The source told Tasnim News Agency that now the major problem is the US sanctioning of individuals, companies and institutions that play an effective role in Iran enjoying economic benefits from a deal.

According to the source, Iran demands these individuals, companies and institutions be removed from the red-line list by the US but the American side has been delaying action to do so by making sanctions removal conditional on issues unrelated to the nuclear deal, JCPOA.

Iran has officially announced to the US and the European troika during outside of the Vienna talks with the P4+1 group that there’ll be no deal without the termination of these bans.

Iran believes that the US is focusing its efforts on psychological operation instead of making the required political decision to finalize a deal.

Iran also says the US knows too well that it needs the JCPOA to be revived more than other parties to the Vienna talks and that such moves to hamper the negotiations will be to the detriment of Washington more than others

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