Shamkhani: Iran seeks prompt achievements in Vienna talks

The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council says Tehran is considering putting forth initiatives to speed up the achievement of results in the Vienna talks.

Ali Shamkhani said in a tweet the only important issue in Tehran’s interactions with the P4 + 1 is to ensure the interests of the Iranian people adding that
although negative and positive actions by other parties to protect their own interests are understandable.

Shamkhani’s tweet follows Russia’s recent demand that the US give assurances that Moscow’s economic ties with Iran will not be affected by Ukraine-related sanctions following a possible deal in Vienna.

Meanwhile, despite significant progress in the negotiations, a couple of important issues remain unresolved and a final agreement has not yet been reached.

Iran says a final agreement is contingent on resolving those issues and that a decision to get them resolved lies with the US.

Iran says all anti-Tehran sanctions must be lifted in a verifiable manner and that the US must guarantee it will not leave the deal again.

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