“Questions, ambiguities rife in Hamid Nouri’s case”

Retired employee of the Iranian judiciary Hamid Nouri is facing life imprisonment after 90 court sessions in Sweden where he was arrested in 2019.

Iran’s Nour News says he has been deprived of his rights and a fair trial.

It says Swedish prosecutors called for life imprisonment, which is the maximum sentence, based on testimony from members of anti-Iran terrorist group Mojahedine Khalgh (MKO), adding that there are still many questions and ambiguities in the case.

Nouri was arrested in 2019 upon arrival at Stockholm airport and was directly transferred to solitary confinement and, contrary to all international laws, was not allowed to contact his family for four months.

The Swedish judiciary also did not allow him to meet anyone for two years in violation of his basic rights.

Nour News says he was not given a fair chance to defend himself at the Swedish court and the lawyers appointed by the government were not willing to cooperate honestly with him.

“Now, after 90 court hearings, the Swedish prosecutor has submitted a request for life imprisonment, but the court did not give Hamid Nouri a chance to defend himself, and it is said that out of a total of 550 hours of trial, he had less than 20 hours to defend himself,” the web site affiliated with Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, explained.

In a total of 90 court hearings, more than 80 witnesses, mostly members of the terrorist organization, had the opportunity to testify against Hamid Nouri, while the court did not allow witnesses who volunteered to testify in favor of Nouri to come forward, Nour News says.

Hamid Nouri, a retired employee of the Iranian judiciary is being tried in Sweden for involvement in the trial of the members of the Mujahedin Khalq terrorist group in the 1980s. His accusers claim he was involved in the execution of the group’s members back then. Nouri vehemently denies such claims.

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