Over 124 million doses of Covid vaccine administered in Iran

The Iranian Health Ministry figures on Tuesday showed that so far 124,519,130 Covid vaccine doses have been administered to people in the country.

Over 11 million people have been triple-vaxxed too. Meanwhile, 32 people died of the Coronavirus in the past 24 hours. The Health Ministry also logged 2,089 new Covid cases including 284 hospitalizations.

The latest fatalities push to 131,972 the total death toll from the disease since the Coronavirus pandemic hit the whole world.

The total caseload in Iran is 6,210,298. The number of deaths and infections in Iran indicates a downward trend compared with several months ago when everyday hundreds of people died from the disease.

This has been attributed by officials to the country’s nationwide vaccination and also people welcoming the campaign.

Iran has been largely remained unaffected by the latest strain of Covid, dubbed Omicron, which is said to be highly contagious, though less deadly that the Delta variant.

Omicron’s failure to sneak into Iran is due to precautions taken by Iran’s National Taskforce for Fighting Covid. The body has banned people of several world countries where Omicron has infected huge numbers of people from entering Iran.

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