MP: Vienna talks in line with Iran’s policies, national interests

A member of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Committee says negotiations between Iran and the P4+1 group have been held in accordance with the establishment’s policies, national interests and guidelines of the Supreme National Security Council.

“The negotiating team observes the red lines of the system and moves based on national interests, and the parliament is comfortable with President Raisi’s team in the negotiations… they are following a good path,” Mahdi Sa’adati stated on Saturday.

He added that the negotiations are being carefully monitored by lawmakers and that the parliament is satisfied with the performance of the negotiating team.

The MP stressed the need to observe the establishment’s red lines in the negotiations, saying the United States should know that the regional resistance movements and increasing defense and missile capabilities are Iran’s red lines in the talks that cannot be negotiated.

Sa’adati noted that before the conclusion of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in 2015, the United States had illegally included about 200 Iranians on its sanctions list but after the JCPOA, this number reached 1,850.

He said the increase in U.S. sanctions against Iran after the signing of the nuclear deal showed that the United States is not committed to negotiations and its promises.

“National interests are a principle for the country. We cannot ignore national interests, and that’s why lifting sanctions is on the agenda, and the lifting of sanctions should solve the problems in the field of shipping and the country’s banking system,” the member of the Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Committee added.

After many months of intense negotiations, Iran and the P4+1 group namely Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany are very close to an agreement with Tehran saying that the United States needs to make necessary political decisions to allow the JCPOA to be revived

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