Khatibzadeh: Iran seeks lasting, reliable deal in Vienna talks

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman says Tehran is after a lasting and reliable deal in the Vienna talks.

Saeed Khatibazdeh made the comment in his weekly briefing on Monday. 

Khatibzadeh said Iran’s insistence on receiving guarantees from the other sides is the right thing to do. The Foreign Ministry spokesman added that Iran and the P4+1 group of countries have made good progress in four areas and their differences have decreased. 

He noted that what matters is all parties to the negotiations agree that the US must not leave the JCPOA again.

Khatibzadeh also touched on South Korea’s debt to Iran, saying Seoul has yet to pack back its debt. He also said talks over the matter are progressing very slowly, which is unacceptable to Iran.

On ties with Saudi Arabia, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said Iran’s diplomats are now in the kingdom to attend the upcoming meeting of the Islamic Cooperation Organization for the first time in several years.He added that Iran’s focusing on the reopening of its diplomatic mission at the organization.


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