Iraq Admits No Arbaeen Pilgrims Via Land Borders

The deputy governor of Iran’s southwestern Province of Khouzestan says neighboring Iraq does not admit any pilgrims through its land borders, during the upcoming Arbaeen ceremonies, which mark 40 days since the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hossein.

“As announced by Iraqi officials, travels to Iraq’s shrine cities for the Arbaeen march are only possible by air. Therefore, if people want to take part in these ceremonies, they should only use air travel,” said Valiollah Hayati, the deputy governor for security and law enforcement affairs.

“Due to the coronavirus outbreak, Iraq has imposed a 30-thousand limit on the number of Iranian pilgrims, who seek to participate in the Arbaeen march this year.”

The official said individuals who want to set up Moukebs [temporary pavilions] to serve the pilgrims in Iraq should also go there by air. He added that no such pavilions will also be set up in Iran’s Shalamcheh and Chazzabeh border crossings this year, due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The official also noted that anyone seeking to travel to Iraq by air should take a PCR test for the coronavirus disease 72 hours ahead, and should have a certificate of negative test result to avoid being barred from entry into Iraq.

The Arbaeen march, which bring millions of pilgrims to Iraq every year, was first cancelled in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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