In a televised interview with the IRIB on Wednesday night, Majid Ansari pointed out that the law criminalizes officials of centers where hijab is not observed, making enforcement difficult.
He said the ministry responsible for implementing the Chastity and Hijab Law has declared the law “unimplementable in its current form.”
Ansari, stressing that while hijab is fundamental under the Islamic codes, urged for legal amendments to address the concerns and enable effective implementation.
The controversial law, which harshly penalizes those who breach the mandatory hijb, has driven a wedge in Iranian society between the rightist proponents, who demand an immediate enforcement, and those who are strictly opposed, citing the tensions it can create nationwide.
Ansari also discussed the need to ensure citizens’ rights as outlined in the Constitution and emphasized the necessity for transparency and legal reforms to allow open expression and improve citizens’ rights.
“Social restrictions, such as stringent selection processes for professors and university students, also need addressing,” he stated.
The vice president also added, “Efforts continue to address issues like internet filtering and sanctions, which complicate daily life and security.”