Iranian nuclear chief slams IAEA for publishing inspector’s flawed report after visit to Iran

The Iranian nuclear chief has criticized the director-general of the UN nuclear watchdog for publishing a wrong report submitted by an inspector following a visit to nuclear facilities in the Islamic Republic and voicing “concerns” based on wrong information.

Mohammad Eslami, who heads the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), told the Iranian state TV on Friday that the inspector with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) submitted “incorrect” information to the watchdog following a visit to Iran’s nuclear facilities.

He said Tehran informed the IAEA of the wistaken report in a letter, but the Agency’s head Rafael Grossi, went ahead to publish the report any way.

“Such behavior is unprofessional and unacceptable,” he said.

Earlier, the IAEA said its chief Rafael Grossi “is concerned that Iran implemented a substantial change in the design information of FFEP (the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant) in relation to the production of highly-enriched uranium without informing the Agency in advance.”

“This is inconsistent with Iran’s obligations under its Safeguards Agreement and undermines the Agency’s ability to adjust the safeguards approach for FFEP and implement effective safeguards measures at this facility,” the IAEA claimed.

Immediately after the report was out, Eslami said the IAEA inspector’s interpretation of their visit to the nuclear plant was “incorrect.”

During the Friday interview, Eslami said Iran objects to the political comments dictated to Grossi, expressing hope that the IAEA chief will reverse course to protect his own credibility and that of the UN nuclear watchdog.

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