Iranian, Japanese Diplomats Discuss Syria Developments

Diplomats from Iran and Japan have discussed the latest developments in Syria, with both supporting the political settlement of conflicts and the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Arab country.

In a telephone conversation on Wednesday, Ali-Asghar Khaji, the Iranian foreign minister’s senior assistant in special political affairs, and Japan’s Special Coordinator for Syria Akira Endo talked about the latest developments in Syria, including the most recent meeting of the Constitutional Committee, the Astana Peace Process, the situation in Idlib and east of the Euphrates, as well as the humanitarian conditions.

The Iranian and Japanese diplomats expressed satisfaction with the holding of the third session of the Syrian Constitutional Committee in Geneva, voiced support for the continuation of dialogue and political process, particularly within the framework of the Constitutional Committee, and stressed the need for the international community to dispatch more humanitarian aid to Syria, given the coronavirus pandemic and the escalation of humanitarian situation in that country.

In the phone call, Khaji highlighted the Islamic Republic of Iran’s principled policy on the political settlement of the crisis in Syria and supporting the Syrian-Syrian talks within the framework of the Constitutional Committee, which has been established as part of an initiative developed by the Astana Process guarantor states, and called for non-interference from outside in the activities of the Committee.

The Iranian diplomat also condemned the US’ illegal presence in Syria and its measures to plunder Syria’s oil and sponsor the terrorist groups, stressing the need for the US’ withdrawal from Syria and the continuation of the fight against terrorism until its eradication in that country.

Khaji further welcomed plans for the promotion of regional cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Japan.

He finally called for Japan’s continued delivery of humanitarian aids to all parts of Syria, and expressed Iran’s readiness for help in this regard.

For his part, Akira Endo highlighted Iran’s prominent role in the resolution of crisis in Syria, and praised the efforts by the Astana Process guarantor states.

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