Iranian defense minister: Defensive diplomacy in Moscow aimed to create lasting peace

The Iranian defense chief says the four-way talks between Iran, Turkey, Russia and Syria in Moscow were held with the aim of establishing peace and security in the region.

In separate meetings with his counterparts from Turkey, Russia and Syria in the Russian capital on Tuesday, General Mohammadreza Ashtiani stressed that Tehran and Moscow also aimed to pave the way for the normalization of relations between Turkey and Syria, as two important regional countries, at the meeting in the Russian capital.

General Ashtiani said Iran and Russia support any effort to this end.

He made the comments in Moscow where the meeting happened.

He noted that that the Islamic Republic of Iran, as an influential country in regional equations, has always made an effort to establish peace, stability and security in the region.

The Iranian defense minister added that Iran’s presence in the Moscow meeting is a concrete example of this effort.

General Ashtiani said the fight against all forms of terror is what all regional nations want, and this will not materialize except with joint efforts, coordination and cooperation among those countries.

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