Iranian daily warns govt.: Grossi could be Israel’s spy

An Iranian daily close to the Principlists warns the government against providing data on the country’s sensitive nuclear sites and scientists to the head of the UN nuclear watchdog, saying there is a possibility that he serves as a spy for Israel.

In an article, Kayhan Daily said Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi, who just paid a two-day visit to Iran, is “known for his close relationship” with the Tel Aviv regime.

Gossi has visited Israel before or after visits to Iran, and he does not deny that he talks and consults with the Zionist regime about the Iranian nuclear program, it said.

Kayhan said Israeli officials have also clearly stated that they received the information about Iran’s nuclear facilities through the inspectors sent by the Agency, and that the regime used the same data to carry out sabotage operations in Iran and assassinate its scientists.

The daily criticized the government for allowing Grossi to have a meeting with Iranian scientists and warned that there is no guarantee that he will not feed the information that he collected to Israel.

It advised the government not ti trust Grossi and not to provide him with any information beyond what is envisioned in bilateral agreements.

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