Iranian, Chinese Geoparks Sign Cooperation Agreement

The Qeshm Global Geopark in southern Iran and the Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark in the City of Dunhuang in China’s Gansu Province have signed a sisterhood and cooperation agreement.

The development came on the sidelines of the 6th Asia Pacific Geoparks Network (APGN) Symposium recently held in Rinjani-Lombok UNESCO Global Geopark in Indonesia.

The agreement was signed by the directors of the two geoparks. The director of the Qeshm Global Geopark was the only Iranian on the team of official assessors of UNESCO’s Global Geoparks Network. He visited China in line with efforts to assess the condition of global geoparks as well as the condition of the Dunhuang geopark.

In the agreement, the two officials stressed the necessity of undertaking joint projects, working together to upgrade the quality of geoparks, and exchanging geotourists.

Accordingly, authorities of the Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark said they were ready to visit the Qeshm Global Geopark in early 2020 and draw on the experiences used in the development of that park.

Iranian, Chinese Geoparks Sign Cooperation Agreement
The Qeshm Global Geopark in southern Iran and the Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark in the City of Dunhuang in China’s Gansu Province sign a sisterhood and cooperation agreement.

In the meeting between the directors of the two parks, the Dunhuang governor touched upon the strong political and economic relations between Tehran and Beijing as well as the many similarities between the two geoparks. He said he would welcome Qeshm Global Geopark officials in Dunhuang, and expressed hope the two regions of Qeshm and Dunhuang will have fruitful cooperation in different areas.

The Qeshm Global Geopark and the Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark are similar in many ways, namely with regards to their geological and natural features as well as their potential to attract tourists and further promote the tourist industry. The conclusion of this agreement further paves the way for the transfer of know-how, experience and expertise between the two geoparks.

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